Sunday, January 03, 2016

 THY KINGDOM COME, a devotional by Ludvig Hope (1939)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yea and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

As a great rock stands in the middle of a waterfall, so Jesus stands in the midst of humanity, mighty to save. As the sun rises over the earth every day, with no demand except to be permitted to give light, warmth, and life, so the grace of Jesus Christ is new upon us each day. Outside of Him everything is night and death; in Him is light and life; in Him we find the meaning and goal of life—and only in Him! No one can understand the divine miracle that we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. Nevertheless it is this fact that makes salvation so unshakable, and so entirely of grace.

That which was ruined by Adam is created again in Christ. He is the Spirit that gives life, the eternal life, and He gives it to all those of the race of Adam who can be gathered out and who believe on His name. Where Adam planted the seed of death, there Christ plants the seed of life; and he who with full confidence surrenders to Him shall never die.

Let everything else fail and be destroyed. This is a solid Rock to stand on, this is light in darkness, this is life in the land of death. This is the only safe point of departure for the journey to the kingdom where life never ceases and where the sun never sets. By Him the Lord makes us entirely capable of doing that which is good, and by Him the Lord accomplishes in us what is well pleasing to Him.

“Fear not; I am the first and the last, and the Living one; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades” (Rev. 1:17-18).

In Jesus’ name
We praise our God on high,
He blesses them who spread abroad His fame,
And we do His will thereby.
E’er hath the Lord done great things by His Word,
And still doth bare His arm His wonders to perform;
Hence we should in every clime
Magnify His name sublime,
Who doth shield us from all harm.


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